Famous programming languages and their frameworks ?

1. Python: Frameworks: Django Flask Pyramid Tornado
2. JavaScript: Frameworks (Front-End): React Angular Vue.js Ember.js
Frameworks (Back-End): Node.js (Runtime) Express.js Nest.js Meteor
3. Java: Frameworks: Spring Framework Hibernate Apache Struts Play Framework
4. Ruby: Frameworks: Ruby on Rails (Rails) Sinatra Hanami
5. PHP: Frameworks: Laravel Symfony CodeIgniter Yii Zend Framework
6. C#: Frameworks: .NET Framework ASP.NET ASP.NET Core
7. Go (Golang): Frameworks: Gin Echo Revel
8. Rust: Frameworks: Rocket Actix Warp
9. Swift: Frameworks (iOS/macOS): SwiftUI UIKit Cocoa Touch
10. Kotlin: - Frameworks (Android): - Android Jetpack - Ktor
11. TypeScript: - Frameworks (Front-End): - Angular - Vue.js (with TypeScript) - React (with TypeScript)
12. Scala: - Frameworks: - Play Framework - Akka
13. Perl: - Frameworks: - Dancer - Catalyst
14. Lua: - Frameworks: - OpenResty (for web development)
15. Dart: - Frameworks: - Flutter (for mobile app development)
16. R: - Frameworks (for data science and statistics): - Shiny - ggplot2
17. Julia: - Frameworks (for scientific computing): - Pluto.jl - Genie.jl
18. MATLAB: - Frameworks (for scientific and engineering applications): - Simulink
19. COBOL: - Frameworks: - COBOL-IT
20. Erlang: - Frameworks: - Phoenix (for web applications)
21. Groovy: - Frameworks: - Grails (for web applications)

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